How To Care For Your DVDs Properly
Released on = June 16, 2006, 12:34 pm
Press Release Author = DVDs and CDs
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = If you are like me you love your movies and music. To make them last longer we have some good advice for you.
Press Release Body = How to Care for Your DVDs
If you are like me you love your movies and your music. Some of can remember when we had to choose between cassette tapes and 8 tracks for music and VHS or BETA for video. Most of us made the switch to DVDs a long time ago as the medium of choice for viewing movies but many people do not care for their DVDs properly. Often the main culprit is just plain and simple dirt and grime. When you start calculating the expense for trying to replace your DVDs, it is a lot smarter to prevent the damage in the first place. In addition you will maintain much better viewing quality for as long as you own the DVD.
It's important to realize that even though DVDs may seem more impervious to destruction than your old video tapes, they really aren't and should be treated with similar care. If you will follow some simple rules to care for your DVDs they will last you forever.
So let\'s take a look at some tips on how to care for your DVDs.
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DO... Handle discs by their edges only. Remove discs from their containers carefully. Replace discs in their containers immediately after use. Store discs only in their supplied containers. Keep discs well away from intense sources of heat. Replace damaged containers immediately. Clean playing surfaces with a clean, soft, lint free cloth. Wipe playing surfaces only from centre to outside edge. Load discs into a player\'s draw carefully. Only use cleaners recommended by specialist dealers.
DON\'T... Touch the playing surfaces of discs. Leave discs lying around unprotected. Leave discs inside players longer than necessary. Use unproved solvents or abrasive cleaners to clean discs. Bend, twist or distort discs in any way. Pull discs out without relieving the centre clamp. Use discs as drink coasters or small Frisbees. Handle your DVD with pizza sauce on your hands.
Gregg Hall is a marketing consultant to many online and offline businesses and an expert in several fields.
For more information on DVDs and CDS go to
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Contact Details = Gregg Hall 7613 Turnberry Navarre , 32566 $$country
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